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Stop current job



Instructs device to stop any running job such as continuous measurement or pick good poses job.

Required scope(s): [devices:command]


Path Parameters

    deviceId stringrequired

    The target sensor.

    Example: G111045


Your request was successful.

    clientId stringrequired

    Unique identifier for the client making the request.

    res objectrequired

    Container for additional response details.

    ack integer

    Acknowledgment status; will always have a value of 1, indicating successful receipt of the request by the API and/or device.

    code string

    Response status from sensor, represented as HTTP status code.

    message string

    Status message from sensor.

    messageId string

    Unique ID (ULID) for the response message.

    sessionId stringrequired

    Session ID (ULID) associated with the client's request, providing context and traceability.
