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New alert notification


The Alert Notification API provides a webhook mechanism for real-time alert notifications, allowing for immediate reaction to various types of system events. This API sends notifications as JSON payloads to pre-configured endpoints.


Upon receiving a notification, you can optionally return a HTTP 200 OK status code to acknowledge receipt, however we do not make repeat attempts at delivery should publishing fail.


The following events will trigger a notification:

  • RAISED: A new alert has been generated.
  • SEVERITY_INCREASED: The severity level of an existing alert has been increased.
  • CLOSED: An alert has been closed. Additional information can be found in the closeReason property.

Signature verification

All notifications are signed using HMAC-SHA256 to ensure the authenticity of the alert. To verify the payload, you need to:

  1. Obtain your unique secret key via the Gardin Management Console.
  2. Compute the HMAC-SHA256 signature of the received payload using your secret key.
  3. Compare this signature with the value in the Gardin-Signature header of the request.

Below is a sample code snippet in Python that demonstrates how to verify a webhook payload:

import hmac
import hashlib

# Your unique secret key from Gardin Management Console
secret_key = "your_unique_secret_key"

# The payload received from the webhook
payload = "webhook_payload_here"

# The signature from the Gardin-Signature header
received_signature = "signature_from_header"

# Compute the HMAC digest
computed_signature =

# Compare the computed and received signature
if computed_signature == received_signature:
print("Webhook verified!")
print("Webhook verification failed!")


Header Parameters

    Gardin-Signature stringrequired

    HMAC-SHA256 signature of the payload, used to verify the authenticity of the request. Obtain your unique secret key from the Gardin Management Console to verify the signature.


    alertId stringrequired

    The unique identifier for the alert, represented as a ULID.

    alertSeverity stringrequired

    Possible values: [LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH]

    The severity level of the alert.

    alertType stringrequired

    Possible values: [HEALTH, PRODUCTIVITY]

    The type of alert.

    closeReason string


    The reason for the alert closure. Only present for CLOSED events.

    event stringrequired


    The event that triggered the notification.

    jobId stringrequired

    The identifier of the growth job associated with the alert.

    notificationId stringrequired

    The unique identifier for the notification, represented as a ULID.

    previousSeverity string

    Possible values: [LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH]

    The previous severity level of the alert. Only present for SEVERITY_INCREASED events.

    tenantId stringrequired

    The identifier for your tenancy, represented as a ULID.

    timestamp date-timerequired

    The timestamp when the event occurred (RFC-3339 format).


API users can return a HTTP 200 OK status to indicate that the data was received successfully.
