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Retrieve paginated query result [DEPRECATED]



Notice of retirement

This endpoint has been deprecated and should not be used in production environments. It will be permanently unavailable after 3rd October 2024.

Instead, users should use the GET /query/:queryId/result/download endpoint, which supports single request, large-volume downloads.

For further assistance, please contact your Gardin account manager or email us at

Retrieve the results of a finished query.

Results are paginated into pages of 100 records, unless fewer than 100 remain, in which case the final page will include all remaining records. Use nextToken to request the next page. You can refer to totalRecordCount from Get status of a submitted query (/query/:queryId/status) to determine the total number of pages to expect.

Results for a query (identified by :queryId) can only be accessed by the user who originally submitted it.

Required scope(s): [data.chf:query, data.indices:query]


Path Parameters

    queryId stringrequired

    Unique identifier of the query.

    Example: 4DDC21D9-E30C-458A-80E2-642CA3238541

Query Parameters

    nextToken string

    Base64-encoded pagination token. Provide to request the next page of records.



Successful retrieval of query results (paginated).

    recordCount integer

    The total number of records returned in the current page.

    nextToken string

    Base64-encoded pagination token. If present in the response, then further pages of results are available, and can be passed into the request body to retrieve the next page.

    data object

    List of result records in current page.

    measurementId uuid

    The unique identifier for the measurement.

    timestamp date-time

    The timestamp (UTC) of the record.

    deviceId string

    The ID of the sensor that performed the measurement.

    jobId string

    The ID of the growth job associated with the measurement.

    f0 float

    F0 (Minimum Fluorescence) - The fluorescence yield when all PSII reaction centers are open, measured under very low light conditions to avoid photochemical activity.

    fm float

    FM (Maximum Fluorescence) - The maximum fluorescence yield when all PSII reaction centers are closed, typically measured under a saturating pulse of light.

    fv float

    FV (Variable Fluorescence) - The difference between FM and F0, representing the variable portion of fluorescence that is directly related to the maximum quantum efficiency of PSII photochemistry.

    qe float

    QE (Quantum Efficiency of PSII) - Sometimes referred to as ΦPSII, represents the efficiency of energy conversion in PSII under light-adapted conditions.

    fv_fm floatnullable

    FV/FM (Maximum Quantum Yield of PSII) - The ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence, indicating the maximum potential quantum efficiency of PSII in a dark-adapted state.

    f0x floatnullable

    F0' (F0 Prime) - The minimal fluorescence yield in light-adapted states, when all PSII reaction centers are open but adapted to ambient light conditions.

    fvx_fmx floatnullable

    FV'/FM' (FV Prime over FM Prime) - The efficiency of energy conversion in PSII under light-adapted conditions, reflecting the quantum yield of PSII photochemistry in light.

    qp floatnullable

    QP (Photochemical Quenching) - A parameter reflecting the proportion of open PSII reaction centers that can perform photochemistry.

    f0x_f0 floatnullable

    F0'/F0 (F0 Prime over F0) - The ratio of minimal fluorescence in light-adapted conditions to that in dark-adapted conditions, indicating changes in energy transfer efficiency.

    fqx_fmx floatnullable

    FQ'/FM' (FQ Prime over FM Prime) - Reflects the quantum yield of photochemical energy conversion in PSII under light-adapted conditions. It is analogous to FV'/FM' but emphasizes the difference between light-adapted FM' and the actual fluorescence yield under ambient light.

    npq floatnullable

    NPQ (Non-Photochemical Quenching) - A mechanism that dissipates excess light energy as heat to protect the plant from photodamage, measured as the decrease in fluorescence yield under high light conditions.

    ql floatnullable

    QL (Lake Model Quenching) - Represents the distribution of excitation energy between open and closed PSII reaction centers, based on the lake model of photosystem II.

    qcn floatnullable

    QCN - A specific parameter related to non-photochemical quenching processes.

    fv_f0 floatnullable

    FV/F0 (FV over F0) - The ratio of variable fluorescence to minimum fluorescence, providing an indication of the potential efficiency of PSII in converting light energy to chemical energy in a dark-adapted state.
